Freight Trading & Risk Management

Consultancy/Risk Management

We recognise the challenges of transporting commodities at sea. The Shipping market is extremely volatile.

From the longer term cycles of the freight market, to seasonal fluctuations, through to geo-political machinations, the ups and downs of the freight market can often seem too challenging to take-on.

As Managers, we’ve seen it all. It starts with the ability to monitor the portfolio of ships and/or cargoes, in the back-office – and the recognition and management of risk. From contracts through to crew management issues, from back-office risk management approaches, to commercial strategies, we provide a truly holistic approach to global freight management and logistics. Call us to talk.

Strict risk-management

M2M is renowned for its market-leading approach to risk management, using cutting-edge tools and skills drawn from both the shipping and financial sectors.

Market risk management is focused on maximising the premium to, and limiting deviation from, the index or benchmark. Deviation may be caused by excessive exposure to individual oceans or to directional speculation.

Credit risk management is based on independent credit research, combined with a statistical analysis of the maximum expected replacement cost. This approach has meant M2M has avoided the majority of shipping credit events with its
trading counterparts.